A. Noun clauses perform the same functions in sentences that nouns do:
A noun clause can be a subject of a verb:
What Billy did shocked his friends.
A noun clause can be an object of a verb:
Billy’s friends didn’t know that he couldn’t swim.
A noun clause can be a subject complement:
Billy’s mistake was that he refused to take lessons.
A noun clause can be an object of a preposition:
Mary is not responsible for what Billy did.
A noun clause (but not a noun) can be an adjective complement:
Everybody is sad that Billy drowned.
B. You can combine two independent clauses by changing one to a noun clause and using it in one of the ways listed above. The choice of the noun clause marker (see below) depends on the type of clause you are changing to a noun clause:
To change a statement to a noun clause use that:
I know + Billy made a mistake =
I know that Billy made a mistake.
To change a yes/no question to a noun clause, use if or whether:
George wonders + Does Fred know how to cook? =
George wonders if Fred knows how to cook.
To change a wh-question to a noun clause, use the wh-word:
I don’t know + Where is George? =
I don’t know where George is.
C. The subordinators in noun clauses are called noun clause markers. Here is a list of the noun clause markers:
if, whether
Wh-words: how, what, when, where, which, who, whom, whose, why
Wh-ever words: however, whatever, whenever, wherever, whichever, whoever, whomever
D. Except for that, noun clause markers cannot be omitted. Only that can be omitted, but it can be omitted only if it is not the first word in a sentence:
Billy’s friends didn’t know that he couldn’t swim.
Billy’s friends didn’t know he couldn’t swim.
Billy’s mistake was that he refused to take lessons.
Billy’s mistake was he refused to take lessons.
That Billy jumped off the pier surprised everyone.
not correct:
* Billy jumped off the pier surprised everyone.
Rosa Leon
C o n t e n t s (Click on Link)
- Answer Key Units 15 and 16 (2)
- D (1)
- Indirect Speech (1)
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- Unit 02: Past Time (6)
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- Unit 06: Modals Degree of Certainty (5)
- Unit 07: Count and Non-Count Nouns (2)
- Unit 08: Definite and Indefinite Articles (1)
- Unit 09: Quantifiers (3)
- Unit 10: Modification of Nouns (2)
- Unit 11: Adjective Clauses: Review and Expansion (9)
- Unit 12: Adjective Clauses with Prepositions (2)
- Unit 13: The Passive (3)
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